Lunes, Setyembre 18, 2017



The senior high school students of STA. MARGARITA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL taking up EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY.
This subject will aid in teaching competences that are essential in the information Age, such as the state of ICT technologies; online safetysecurityethics, and etiquette; productivity tools with advances application techniques; imaging and designing for online environment; multimedia tools; and powerful tools to create a social change, which are aligned to the standards set by the Department of Education for the Senior High School level.

This is divided into two units: the first unit allows the students to discover the the world of ICT in general and also helps them improve their skills in various applications. Real-life applications are integrated throughout the text in the exercises. The second unit allows the students to develop, promote, and publish a campaign for social change using various free tools and services.

This are the topics in EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY.

Unit 1

                     Lesson 1- Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies

                                                   Lesson 2- Rules of Netiquette

                                         Lesson 3- Advanced Word Processing Skills
activity in lesson3
Activity in lesson3
Activity in lesson3
Activity in lesson3

                                            Lesson 4- Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

                                          Lesson 5- Advanced Presentation Skills 

                                 Lesson 6- Imaging and Design for Online Environment

Activity in lesson6
Activity in lesson3

                              Lesson 7- Online Platforms for ICT Content Development 

                                          Lesson 8- Basic Wed Pages Creation

                                        Lesson 9- Collaborative ICT Development 

Unit 2
                                        Lesson 10- Interactive Multimedia

                                           Lesson 11- ICT as Platform for Change

                                           Lesson 12- ICT Project for Social Change

                                     Lesson 13- ICT Project Publication and Statistics

                                         Lesson 14- ICT Project Maintenance

                                         Lesson 15- The Disadvantages of ICT

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                EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY The senior high school students of  STA. MARGARITA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL   taking up   EMPOWERME...